The history of POLY-CHEM GmbH is firmly rooted in our customer service philosophy. Since our founding in 2000, we have considered ourselves a service provider capable of handling even the most unique requests. This mostly involves manufacturing adhesives, producing formulations according to customer specifications and speciality chemicals. We have a wide variety of facilities, which include classic heatable and coolable stirred reactors in stainless steel or steel-enamelled designs with nominal volumes of 2.5...25 m³. These are connected to conventional peripheral equipment such as dosing, vacuum and feed pumps, various input and output systems, dosing vessels, condensers, receiving tanks, heat exchangers, etc. and can be expanded as needed.
The bandwidth of the resulting applications for our products is just as varied as our possibilities. For example, we supply the automotive sector, printing ink formulators, the plastic-processing industry and more. Our customers know that we grow with products, and that our job is not done with the synthesis and process development. Constant improvement, application of interdisciplinary knowledge and the economic optimisation of the development projects are all part of our daily business.
It is hard to limit the richness of our possibilities as adhesive manufacturer. Just ask us! If we are not in a position to carry out an assignment single-handedly, we have excellent contacts with partner companies, which may help you achieve your aims.
Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Hauptstraße 9
D-06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Phone: +49 3493 7540-0
Fax: +49 3493 7540-4